Arcadia student ministry exists to make devoted followers of Jesus by being with God, being in community, and serving others.
Our values as a student ministry are:
Discipleship – To be a disciple is to follow and learn from a teacher. As Christians, Jesus is who we follow. He’s our teacher. So, our goal is to be with Jesus, become like Him, and do as He did.
Authenticity – Jesus calls us to come to Him as we are. Because of this, we don’t put on a front or a show. Instead, we are authentic and honest about ourselves to God so that He can begin to work in our lives as we let down our walls.
Community – We can’t be Christians by ourselves. We need others to love, support, and challenge us on our journey of following Jesus. So, we regularly gather in community to love and be loved by others.
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Mornings
- Sunday School: 9:15-10:15am
Wednesday Evenings
- Student Hangout Time: 6pm-6:30pm
- Student Service 6:30pm-7:30pm
If you have any questions about Student Ministry, please contact us at: office@arcadiafbc.org or call the church office at 409-925-2825.